Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Handmade for Mother's Day

Mother’s day is one of those holidays where a handmade gift will only do. But if you’re as busy as I am, you may not have time to start a DIY project for mom. Etsy to the rescue! Check out some of my favorite handmade items from the best place to buy & sell all things handmade.

Links: black pepper soappotato sack market bagporcelain mug, succulent baskettin picture frame, tiny mexican planterspapercut silhouettesweater broochrecipe box.

1 comment:

  1. Why is it that all the stuff I ever made mom looked NOTHING like these pretty things? Spaz.

    Hey, are you going to enter my new contest? I bet YOUR insp board would kick butt!!!

    Hope all is well!

