Friday, February 12, 2010

DIY: Valentine Felt Pins

One last project before the big V-day weekend! These Valentine felt pins are adorable for your little ones or for attaching to a gift. I don’t see my husband wearing one, but I might just think about altering these into fridge magnets or maybe making them into a garland instead!

A big thank you to the Purl Bee for this lovely tutorial.


  1. so cute! maybe we'll do some with the kids this weekend! Thanks!

  2. Fridge magnets are a great idea. Maybe pinning one up on your loves visor as a cutesy little reminder every time the sun comes out. :)

  3. Cute cute cute! Wonder if some guy out there would wear one as a boutonniere? Maybe not, but I like the idea. A girl can dream! Could be a sweet little Mother's Day project from the kids to the grandmas, too...
