Monday, July 5, 2010

Bake It Pretty

It seems as though most of my posts are about food lately. Must be the pregnancy cravings. Either way, if you're planning on completing a DIY cupcake bar at your wedding, or just plain like to bake, you have to check out this online shop... Bake It Pretty. They stock everything from fancy baking supplies to pretty packaging and more!

Here are a few things on my wish list...


  1. Cute little cakes, I love it! It is really a challenge to prepare for your own wedding but hey you're happy right so no problem! I was just looking around blogs for good cardmaking ideas then I stumble upon this blog and I think I'm getting good insight for my own wedding. Thanks!

  2. Aaah, nice! We've shot a few cupcake weddings recently. The bride in November is having cup-cakes instead of a big cake. I'll forward her your ideas..
    THanks, Sarah
