Baker’s twine is one of my favorite accessories to have on hand—it’s handy for everything! I think I like it more than (dare I say it) ribbon! Here are a few handy examples of ways to use baker’s twine in your wedding—favors, invites or place cards. The options are endless, and lucky for you, the twine comes in a variety of sweet colors. I love how it adds just a pinch of color, and how practical it is at tying up an invitation suite, or favor box. Not to mention it goes with just about any style!
The twine isn’t hard to find out on the internet—try Etsy for small quantities and wholesalers for bulk. Even if you end up with leftover twine, it’s perfect to accent small gifts, holiday cards or even decorate with around the house!
Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
View blog reactions
I love it! Thanks, I never thought of the possibilities with twine.
i've just started my journey as a bride to be! how exciting and i love your blog! Thank you so much for all this great inspiration! I also applied with my fiance for the crate and barrel giveaway today! I need to share this with every bride to be! http://www.crateandbarrel.com/ultimatewedding/default.aspx such an amazing giveaway! Keep up the great blog!! All this wedding stuff has got me gushing!
The twines are so pretty. I like the colors! I never thought of the ideas for twine. Thanks.
wow - didn't realise that you could get all those colours!
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